Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Mbonjoh Lilian Frekie

Researchers of International Agreements

My contribution will center on Water and Sanitation,Drinking and Cooking Water plus women and girls the challenges the face especially in rural communities.

Water is every where in Cameroon but not all water is safe to drink, the responsibilities of policy makers in terms of the MGDs of the United Nations has not in any way favoured poor communities.

The Costly Bottle water which is purely business owned by multinational companies have taken over the idea for governemnts to provide affordable and sustainable drinking, cooking and washing water to the bigger part of the population and families living in rural communities.

This keeps the sanitary aspects of girls and women at the brink to health epidemics and nutritional uncertainties.

We have to roll back and providing for giant projects with pipe borne water that is costly free to poor communities and can reach communities where girls and women can endanger their lives travelling longer distances to fetch water or face rape cases.