Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Carlos Gonzalez Fischer

Compassion in World Farming
United Kingdom

Dear HLPE,

Thanks for the opportunity to provide inputs on the draft scope of the report. 

Llivestock is at the centre of current global food systems: 75% of all agricultural land is dedicated to grazing or growing feed crops, and 36% of global crop production (by calories) and 29% of all marine capture fisheries landings (by weight) are destined to feed animals. 

How many animals we raise and how we do it has a direct impact on the amount and quality of food we produce. It can also have indirect effects on food security, as it affects many proceses that are closely linked to it (climate change, water use, pollution, land use, etc.) 

Please find attached the contribution from Compassion in World Farming to the consultation.

Best regards,

Carlos Gonzalez Fischer