Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Eltighani Elamin


Greetings from Baghdad!

I have read your excellent paper, and think one key issue is missig, that is the relevance of this study to food aid. The current food aid distribution systems are energy based providing mainly cereals driving the poor into chronic hidden hunger for micronutreints. Fisheries if utlized propoerly, could well balance the food rations distributed to the food needy people and the current energy based formula of the food rations could be changed into a nutrition based food basket. Spill over effects of reduced cereals prices to market food consumers when sea food takes its proportional size in the new food emergncy baskets and more hungry people could be reached and fed are expected.


Eltighani Elamin

Professor Eltighani Elamin (PhD)

Freelance consultant

Senior food/agriculture policy & capacity development specialist

Khartoum,  Sudan