Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Stephen Hall

World Fish Center

Dear Sir/Madam,

In response to your call for input into your consultation on 'The role of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition' I would like to offer any support we are able to provide to your efforts. As a CGIAR center with a specific interest in ensuring that fisheries and aquaculture contribute as much as practicable to food and nutrition security we are delighted to see this issue given prominence. 

I have no doubt that the panel of experts who will prepare this document will draw upon the published work of WorldFish and it's partners, but allow me to point to two publications that I think may prove especially useful. The first is a paper that will appear shortly in PNAS entitled "Innovations in capture fisheries are an imperative for nutrition security in the developing world" the second is a WorldFish report by Dr Eddie Allison entitled: 'Aquaculture, fisheries, poverty and food security'.

I attached the submitted proof of the first of these (and will forward the final published version in due course). The second  can be obtained from


Stephen Hall