Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Camille Piche


Dear HLPE Secretariat,

e-HLPE Consultation,

I believe that the information I am sending you fits within your mandate to: "consider the environmental, social and economic aspects of fisheries including artisanal fisheries, as well as a review of aquaculture development".

I am sending you a film which was made in British Columbia, Canada on BC Salmon. I believe this film really puts in focus the whole question of Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. I see it as a very credible and very enlightening film and I am sure that those who participated in the research and made the film would be most happy to contribute any additional information.

This video is  worth the viewing...especially if you live in BC or on the West Coast or if you love salmon,

The way Industrial fish farms get support from the municipal, provincial and national Governments, discount   findings by world experts or prevent the truth from being made public is an outrage.

Seeing how that is depleting wild salmon runs, causing deformities and sickness in the fish that are then allowed to be  placed on supermarket shelves or shipped to the US and China is criminal.

It shows what one is up against when dealing with Government or multinational Corporations. Part of my work is alerting people!

If you know of a different interpretation of fish farms, let me know.

I am not a 'fish' expert - but hope you can look at this, investigate and find some response.

Kindest regards,
