Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Denish Ogwang

Lango Joint Farmers Association

Good Nutrition refers to a state when the food we eat is able to provide the recommended amount of nutrients for the body to perform all physiological activities. It is dependent on one's age, physiological status, physical activity level and sex. Good nutrition is important throughout the life cycle; right from preconception, conception, pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence and/ adulthood. Good nutrition make an individual healthy, more productive the quality of life.

Good nutrition means:

  • Eating the right food.
  • At the right time.
  • The right amounts(quality and quantity) to ensure a balance diet and should be prepared in the correct way and right place.

Good nutrition is important because it:

  • Enhances physical and cognitive development.
  • Enhances breast milk production for the mother to adequately breastfeed her child.
  • Builds and or boosts body immunity reducing susceptibility to disease.
  • Reduces cost involved in disease management and control.
  • Enhances productivity.

A person with poor nutrition is at right risk of:

  • Poor growth and development of the body and brain(especially in young)
  • Frequency illness,infections and prolonged(delayed) recovery
  • Reduced ability learn or perform in school
  • Reduced ability to work and earn a living
  • Death