Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Sara J. Scherr

EcoAgriculture Partners
United States of America

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations for producing an initial draft of the report on multi-stakeholder platforms.  I read it with interest and there is strong material there. I was disappointed, though, to find little in the report on multi-stakeholder platforms that are organized around broader themes but strongly inclusive of food security.  This seems like a particular gap, given the impetus of the Sustainable Development Goals toward integrated strategies, and the effects on food security of sectoral activities in agriculture, forestry, health, land health, water quality, etc.

In particular, I hope that the next draft of the report will include reference to multi-stakeholder platforms that have been proliferating worldwide for ‘integrated landscape management’. A survey of 420 such initiatives in sub-Saharan African, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South/Southeast  Asia. In the Southern  regions,  38-40% of initiatives (by region) had achieved major impacts on agricultural yields and  42-69% had achieved major impacts on food security. Food security was one of the objectives in 77% of these initiatives, and the most important of multiple objectives in 18.2%  of the initiatives.

EcoAgriculture and partners in the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative have produced a number of synthesis papers  that include literature  and field examples. and

Practitioner-oriented material include  Heiner, et  al 2017 a conveners’ guide for facilitators of MSPs for ILM; Denier et al 2015 –a primer on ILM, Buck and Scherr 2014 on ILM and resilience for food-insecure, and Forster and Getz 2014 on city-regions as landscapes. I attach these in this email and the following.

Louise Buck and I at EcoAg, and colleagues at  ICRAF are currently finishing a journal article that provides a framework for incorporating natural resource and environment elements in analysis of food security and using ILM to enhance food security for vulnerable groups, with a case study from Laikipia, Kenya. We can share that with you in the next round of review. ICRAF, CIRAD, FAO and others have excellent related analytical work and case studies.

Best regards,


Sara J. Scherr, PhD

President, EcoAgriculture Partners

Chair, Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative

1730 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Suite #601

Washington, D.C. 20036

