Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Greetings to the contributors before me. For the first point my view are in line with that of Mr Dosse of Togo are applied to cameroon. The forest issues are cross cutting and result can only be gotten in not short term but strategies from lesson learned from other initiatives can play a big rule is absence of given force to the law. Most of the communities are usually not aware of project, even with urge amount set they can meet MDGs specifications at the local level, since most policies are set without prior lessons learned or consultation in Cameroon. For quite the 1994 forestry ‘common compass’ which is under revision for close 6 years is still be published.

Associated problems for mangrove in Cameroon equally include:

  • Low  integration  of  local  communities  living  in  mangrove  areas  in  the  local  development  planning  framework.
  • Lack of coherent integrated planning for economic development, sustainable use and conservation.
  • Lack of tangible information and dialogue amongst stakeholders.
  • Lack of capacity  to  scale-up  community-based  approaches  to  sustainable  use  and  management.
  • Legal and policy reform. There  is  currently  no  legal  and  policy  framework  that  would facilitate  the  management  of  the  mangrove  special  ecosystem
  • Lack  of  alternative  economic  development  opportunities  other  than  fisheries,  fish  smoking and  harvesting  of  mangrove  resources.