Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Sir-My Answer.

Which nutrition problem (s) does your country prioritise? (undernutrition, overweight/obesity, micronutrient deficiencies, all forms of malnutrition)

:- Bangladesh has all of this the problem of obesity is not just food-having plyground & more is milund to this purpose. So tackle any is not just food program-manything is related. 

How is this/are these problems tackled? Please let us know if they are tackled independently or as part of a comprehensive strategy, through policies and programmes that focus on prevention and promotion of adequate, healthy diets.

:- They better not tackle one by one-because you can't. All are a mixup sum of their function. Best take everything at time. Few suggestion i can give- inform people which one is for cattle & which for human. This way they find alternative food.

Have these efforts been evaluated?What in your view could be done more effectively to prevent all forms of malnutrition? Please elaborate on the mistakes to be avoided, possible lessons learned and what needs to be done to ensure that the policies and programmes in place, if any, will succeed in the long term?

:-There is lot of evaluation, that's not problem the thing is fund, trade & other responds. So if long term this better be region & local basis.

What in your view is the role of nutrition education in addressing the double burden of malnutrition? What is needed for nutrition education to be successful in this context?

:- Off course this is needed, because people know from the childhood, could survive or cope better. It better take from school level.


Md.Moshfaqur Rahman