Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

I liked the comment of Florence Egal, wherein, many practical issues have been mentioed.

Again, sharing two most recent references that may be considered in this report.

Africa,  Asia & the Pacific region are dominated by huge youth population, where the governments are under pressure to create more and better jobs for the region’s young and rapidly growing population. The following two recent publications may beuseful while writing the report on youths.

1. Roehlano Briones. 2019.Investing in rural youth in the Asia and the Pacific region.IFAD…

This background paper was originally  prepared for the Rural Development Report 2019 “Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth”. It characterizes the structural and rural transformation of the Asia and the Pacific region (APR), highlighting the implications for rural youth opportunities and challenges, and identifying and elaborating on the characteristics, opportunities and challenges related to rural youth inclusion.

2. YOUTH AND JOBS IN RURAL AFRICA: BEYOND STYLIZED FACTS, by Valiere Mueller & James Thurlow. The book launch Co-Organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) is scheduled on Jan 21, 2020 - 12:15 - 01:15 PM EST 1201 Eye Street NW, 12th Floor Conference Center, Washington, DC 20005, United States…)