Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

SAFWCO (, and  Roots Pakistan- a grass root development action( have long been associated with agricultural/ livelihood development, food security and climatic justice.

Our programs at  SAFWCO and Roots Pakistan are gender, conflict and climate change sensitive.We have worked with many organizations including Alert International- having strong conflict sensetivity context and Oxfam Gb- having strong CC sensitivity.

We have exclusive  programs on effective citizenship-ECGs at SAFWCO and  Food First Pakistan at Roots Pakistan.In the former focus is  on women-led citizenship programming including food security while at latter focus is on right to food-based planning & development.

At Roots Pakistan we are also working on open Governments concept to improve governance including food & nutrition governance, with more trasparency & accountability that helps contain conflicts.

Our experience has been that by promoting food & nutrition security societies and countries can help underpin human security through coherent societies and  through them peace building.