Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

About the Question 1, FreshPlaza Italy recently dedicated some articles to the following projects:

1. "Vital Voices" (, a program of scholarships by VV GROW + ExxonMobil. It identifies women with high potential and helps in their education, even if they belong to poor families.

2. "Feed the Future" USA government campaign (first article here: / second article here: The study was supported by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Department for poverty and human development of Oxford. It collects the first and most comprehensive data pertaining to women and their level of development and integration in the agricultural sector. The results are collected under a development index called WEAI (Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index).

3. Susan Carlson, a facilitator for the Women Committee of OMA, recently underlined: "Women are not only simple agricultural producers, they are responsible for the nutrition and food security of the entire planet" (

4. In my country - Italy - a third of the agricultural firms are directed by women (215.329 in total - Data have been provided by the agricultural organisation Coldiretti during EXPO Milan 2015.

Last but not least, I would like to let you know about this photographic project called "FarmHer" in which the image itself of the women working in the agricultural sector is fully revisited:…

Rossella Gigli - Chief Editor FreshPlaza Italy (