Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Natália Menhem


1.       If you could make an intervention at the side event on rural women at the 8th session of the Open Working Group in New York, what would be its key message?

We must guarantee the basic and respect the diversity. For rural women it materializes in good education for their children, a trustful health system in the rural area, letting women more confident about her family health, professional education for the women, aiming to give them tools to improve their income and to be included in the regional market (causing also more self esteem, essential for their human development), and last, a better way for them to communicate. Women are wonderful in communicating their issues and the solutions they have found for it. But usually rural areas have no internet access and bad phone access - so we lose a great potential of knowledge and they lose great chance to know more on how to change their reality.  

2.       Rural women are often described as critical agents of change in discussions on sustainable development goals. To what extent would the achievement of food and nutrition security for rural women help accelerate sustainable development?

Well, when they are confident about what to eat until the end of the month and about their children health, they can work better, educate their children better and also be wiser to produce on their lands. 

3.       Of the many facts or stats recorded on rural women, which one do you consider to be the most revealing?

The constant unsafeness they live about their children education and health. The low level of technical education or information they have to make their decision and to make their lives. Usually rural areas seems a more men space, but when getting inside houses and families, women are the balance of the family working. They are so away of special policies for their development, human and educational.