Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Thank you very much for your efforts in food security issues and the role of rural women, but during  the 30 years of my carrier in agriculture research, development, education I do not find that there are slight progress in supporting the great works conducting by rural women in food security behind other roles in protecting natural resources. There are no lessons learning and adaption from the previous succeed projects conducted in the same country or from others countries which have the same intensity of needs and problems of food in security?? Why also we separated food security and drinking water?  Local food system,

I gave these examples about Yemen, Nowthey  prepare for conducting the new project of GFSP which will be funded by world bank during the few months this year, where i think the role of rural women are neglected, and country like Yemen more then 70% of womn leaves in rurral areas and thier resposable for produces thier food and water which I prefer if the most of this project should planned to support the role of producers rural women in rural areas and their contributions in food security, and review the initiatives done before and experiences in this field.