Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Dear all,

1. I think that the main drivers of development for Vietnam in the next 30 years is models of public and private partners (PPP) in agriculture and rural sector while the PPP should be considered as service providers for the agriculture and rural sector from policy, legal, capital, technology and science, planning, forecast, processing, value chains, correct information and needs. The most important things are Vietnamese trademarks development, land accumulation, educated/trained labors with cheap cost. And main obstacles to this sector is poor/low facilitation with lack of information, planning.

2. For this, I think that all scenarios can happen but they can appear, change each to others belong to economics, social situations. Because historically events proofed that there is no  a perfect scenario.

3. For solutions, of course government should mobilize and develop the private source in the sector as well as building institution and legal frame for the cooperation. A worst scenario can occur that has  severe impacts of climate change/environment and backward policies in the sector, and competitiveness  to Vietnamese agricultural products. This small scale production models should be maintained and developed to protect the dynamic and flexibility of the sectors.

4.  For key first step, Vietnamese government should invite the regional/international consultants/organizations and development institutions such as ADB, Worldbank, EU, US, Japan,  China, India, FAO, WIPO, ect to consult for developing strategy/planning in the future and propose the commitments of partners in technical, capital, market issues and risks far away.

Best regards,



Plant Genebank Management Division

Plant Resources Center (PRC)

Hanoi, Vietnam