Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

I subscribe  we must teach the young "the only Assets of Mankind and all living matter are Soil-Water-Vegetation-Atmosphere", all else but commodities. We teach in our classes, Asset Banking and roll-over of assets. We teach replicating Nature grow C3 crops for 4 years and rest for 3 years for weeds and like C4 array to kick start the carbon cycle sequestering all the life sustaining elements critical for food nutrients. Farming soil is the same as Banking roll-over, rest accrue interest.  If I were in your offices I would deliver a workshop coupled with all our visuals, papers and living models of soil growing out of (converting) sand back to carbon and element rich soils. Well trained Farmers engage 8 from soil to table. Feeding the world growing soil food fodder forestry can be achieved well before 2020 and by de-fault lower 40tonne CO2e per hectare per annum.

Robert Vincin