Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Mohamed Ajuba Sheriff

Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security
Sierra Leone

Dear moderator,

Policy outreach is critical in improving the implementation and dissemination of Food and Nutrition Security messages at country level. Giving the multisectoral nature of FNS partnership, harmonisation of FNS polices of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and partners is one of the major challenge in policy outreach and communications.

In Sierra Leone we have the challenge of mandate imbalances in terms of FNS policy implementation by both state and non state actors which has direct effect on decision making (state and donor). However the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS) and Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) polices are already mainstreamed in FNS implementation plan (common result framework).

In view of the above, the national SUN secretariat is currently analysing the polices of the other MDAs such as Education, Gender and Children Affairs, Water Resources, Trade, fisheries and relevant partners. This exercise will identify nutrition direct and nutrition sensitive polices, roles and responsibility of each MDAs and partners with the aim of solving implementation conflict due to policy imbalances.


Mohamed Ajuba Sheriff

Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security

Sierra Leone.