Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Thanks for providing us with an opportunity for contributing to the formulation of the 10YFP.

1/ I am presently part of a technical team supporting the Municipality of Milano engaged in the development of urban food policy pacts (see  It is clear to us that in an increasingly urbanised world, cities play a major role in their respective territories and should play a lead role in,  and be accountable for,  sustainable local development. This initiative which involves to date 36 cities in both the global North and the global South is in my view very relevant to the formulation of the 10YFP. Please find attached the stock taking form (in French, sorry I realized afterwards there was another version).    

2/ You may want to consider bringing out more explicitely the need (additional objective or rewording of objective 3) to gain a better understanding of traditional food systems in representative ecosystems and related indigenous practices with a view to generate practice-based evidence,  contribute to peer learning at local level, feed into relevant policies and assess the impact (ensure accountability) of agricultural programmes and investment. 

3/ You may be interested to explore the possibility of engaging explicitely the City-Region Food systems platform in the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC). let me know if I can help.
