Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Water resource optimization for climate resilience improve nutrition condition in the saline area of Southwest Bangladesh.

The southwest coastal region of Bangladesh is most disaster prone area and climate hot spot. It has been suffering from negative impacts of climate change like sea level rise, saline area expansion, irregular rainfall, cyclones and tidal surges which increased salinity in soil and water. Though average rainfall is not changing in a broad range, but farmers could not cultivate agriculture due to poor knowledge on water management. The situation has increased stress of life which forced migration from the coastal sub-districts according to National Population Census 2011. It is alarming which motivate LEDARS to take initiatives.

The purpose of the initiative is to enhance resilience capacity of coastal people. 

LEDARS increased capacity of beneficiaries on resilient agriculture through providing skill training on effective water management, provide support to farmers to excavate 54 small ponds, re-excavate 2 canals to reserve rain water, installed 1 deep tube-well, distributes small jar to collect daily used water for homestead gardening and distributes saline and drought tolerant paddy and vegetables seeds. LEDARS provide skill training of 220 women headed families and 1.8 million BDT grants support for sustainable Income Generating Activities(IGA).  LEDARS also provide support to remove drinking water crisis through excavate 12 drinking water ponds, installed and re-excavate 19 Pond Sand Filters(PSF), 45 Rain Water Harvesting Systems and 149 Bio-Sand Filter(BSF). 

The initiative enhanced resilient agriculture and food security of 40% beneficiaries and create access to safe drinking water of 4039 families in Shyamnagar upazila of Satkhira district, Bangladesh, 

The initiatives provide technological and financial support to remove drinking water crisis which reduce water born diseases of family members. The project promoting organic farming which has increased nutrition condition of the families. Our initiatives is increasing school enrollment of the children of selected families through reduce time to collect drinking water and reduce frequent water born diseases and malnutrition of children.

Our initiative got excellent thrid prize by Water Showcase in World Water Forum 2015.