Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

James Edge

International Fund for Agricultural Development

Many thanks to everyone so far who has participated in this discussion so far.

What is apparent is the interest in beekeeping and bee products is from people with a wide range of backgrounds from beekeepers to consumers to producers. The issues themselves are also vast, from food standards to marketing to livelihoods and income generation. Bees and beekeeping is having a bit of a renaissance, with news of bee decline in the news across the globe and urban beekeeping taking off in many continents.

These discussions are also timely as Apimondia, the world federation of beekeeper associations, holds its major apiculture congress in Korea this September. Early next year we will also see the launch of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) report focussing on pollination. 

We are looking forward to reading the next round of comments.