Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

I am part of the Livelihoods and Resilience team in World Vision Kenya, working in the pastoral communities of Kenya. We are working on project models that promote access and utilization of milk and milk products within the pastoral communities. On this basis, we are focusing on improving nutrition status of children below five years, and PLM, as well as improving household income. Our interventions are also on training the communities on kitchen gardening to establish diversified nutrient dense crops for food.

In partnership with other stakeholders, we are involved with knowledge and technology transfer, especially to the women. Among the lessons learnt during our implementation period are:

  1. Consumption of poor quality milk and irregular milk production patterns at local levels has been minimized due to creation of a reliable, comprehensive and non-fragmented database across the entire milk value chain.
  2. Farmers get onsite real-time results for their milk quality which is done at farm level using simple tools and methods and resulted recorded for transmission.
  3. Acceptance of processed milk products has significantly increased
  4. There has been a notable improvement on appropriate animal health and husbandry practices among the 150 HH reached

Some of the gaps we have come across are'

  1. The constant migration of the pastoral communities
  2. Inaccessibility to reach out to the grazing zones for more milk
  3. Poor animal fodder and pastures
  4. High levels of iliteracy hindering knowledge transfer

The SDG developed should focus more on household interventions as opposed to community based focus. The milenium development goals, were not well achieved especially on food and nutrition security due to too much attention on the community organs, other than trickling down to household level. Women are the hub of the household, our efforts should be concentrated on empowering the women with hands on skills on agriculture/food security interventions.