Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Lionel Mabit

International Atomic Energy Agency

Dear FSN-Team, dear Colleagues,

I believe that this guideline should include an introduction to highlight why we need sustainable soil management and how to convince key decisional people to act. If solutions are proposed (again) but never adopted then…..

Indeed, urgency to take care of our soils has always been underestimated. One of the main problems to convince key decisional people (e.g Governments and policy makers) is the cost of soil degradation/soil erosion, very difficult to put a number on this…. will be nice that one part of this document is dedicated to “officially” estimating the cost of soil loss based for e.g. on soil fertility/nutrient loss estimation…and an official way to calculate it (at least the on-site impact) ; or adding other important social-economic factors..difficult I know.

I do believe that Prof. Dan Pennock based on his background and experience could add such important info in the final document.

Best regards, LM

Dr. Lionel MABIT | Ph.D Soil Scientist |

Soil and Water Management & Crop Nutrition Laboratory |

Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture |

Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications |