Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Mr. Bruno Kistner

Asian Roundtable on Food Innovation for Improved Nutrition

Following points should be mentioned:

If food variety is too expensive for low income populations, governments can consider to mandate food fortification. An important aspect which is widely neglected is effectiveness. Human does not function on one or 2 nutrients alone. The inclusion of the B-Vitamins for proper messaging in the body and proper cell functioning is essential. Contrary to wide believes fortification with B-Vitamins is not costly. To provide all essential B-Vitamins to 100 million people cost less than 20 million US$ per year.

If industry is providing healthy food options at low prices positive taxation of governments should be considered in order to increase the accessability and availablility of healthy food options.

Governments can support the approval and distribution of healthy food options, specially food options that are targetting the first 1000 days, i.e. adolescant girls.

Small and medium sized enterprises provide 85 % of the global packaged food supply. The SME's must be included in policies that promote sugar, fat and salt reduction and fortification.