Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Opportunities in Nutition Sensitive Value Chain Development:

Forming value chain actor cooperatives is key in nutrition-sensitive capacity building systems. This enables better communication strategies focused at a particular actor with niche capacity buiding techiques.

Enhancing traditional nutrition systems with geosensitive communication strategies to improve nutrition in the family, school, community and nation.

Needs assessment of geographical specific value chain and validation of knowledge based nutrition sensitive techniques in the light of changing times due to effects of climate change.

Exploring innovative ways of encouraging traditional and new nutritive information using the value chain actor as the initiator of the process


Resistance to change due to cross cultural differences and negative perceptions of innovation.

Branding the concept with different goals such as good nutitional values which may not necessarily mean making profit by food marketing MSMEs.

Financing nutrition-sensitive campaigns to production and aggregator value chain actors when breaking even and profit making in business is the goal and not necessarily campaigns which promote other perspectives which need more effort to convince their target audience.