Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

With prospects for higher income earning jobs in urban and peri-urban areas there are major migration from rural areas in Kerala one of the most literate state of India. The migration to middle east, Canada, USA, Australia and Europe from rural and urban Kerala are noteworthy. The shortage in farm and plantation labour are met by immigration from Bihar, West Bengal, UP and North Eastern States. Occurence of marriages among immigrant labour and locals are becoming prevalent. Many commercial banks open during sundays for the service of immigrants. Even church services are held in Hindi in cities like Perumbavoor in Kerala. In construction industries especially national highways, the immigrants play a vital role. In hospitality industry, immigrants from North Eastern states are much visible. Now political parties have come forth to organize the unorganized labours. Despite all the measures taken by the Labour department of the Government,the conditions especially housing are very pathetic.