Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

In my opinion, looking at question 4 and 5 Youths need more incentives and motivation to be engaged in Agriculture. To this, I will suggest that:

1. We need to develop a regional curricula (simple principles, guidelines and indicators) for monitoring the involvement and evolution of Africa Youths in Agriculture. This curricular will be completed at individual, national and continental level by all youths that have received a capacity development support.

2. We need to organise Youth farmers in Agriculture contests portal or platform in which Youths farmers practicing agriculture will register their farming activities from land acquisition through marketing and experts will judge the coherence and consistency in the processes. Best farms will be selected for further visits by the experts to assess the level of efficiency and novelty demonstrated on the farms. While visiting the farms, participating youths will be advised on their practices and the most outstanding farms will be rewarded based on awards packages that will be determined by a commission. This process has three advantages

a. Motivated youths are given an opportunity to share their experience and to know that what they are doing is important;

b. The youth’s activities are linked to a team of experts who can provide them with advice and follow-up services

c. Innovative youths are rewarded to encourage them do better

d. The reward process stimulates internal competition to do better among the youths and therefore enhances more commitment on their part