Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Mr. Tang Erasmus Nchuaji

The University of Yaounde I/ Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD, Cameroon)

Season Greetings Everyone and Thanks for the Initiative.

1. in response to the question on challenges faced by youths in Africa after completion of specific capacity development programs, the following points can be summarized. (i) Microfinance policies: most African youths do not approach microfinance structure with their projects. This may be because youths do not understand how microfinance structures operate and/or because microfinance policies do not attract youths (who in most cases lack colaterals). (ii) Unemployment: The agricultural sector in most African countries is lagging because governments are not fully engaged in developing and promoting the sector. A consequence of this is the high importation rate of Agricultural products from Asia, North and South America and Europe. Trained youths in Agriculture because of lack of jobs are unable to exercise their expertise and most often are engaged in other revenue generating activities or are bound to operate small scale agriculture activities. (iii) Governance: platforms to engage youths in community development activities are absent. Innovation platform is an effective mechanism for mobilizing key actors at local, district and national levels for negotiation on collective action and concerted decision-making to create a conduicive working environment. Key actors here include financial institutions, administrators, transporters, traders and agriculture value-chain actors. Innovation platform approach has been adopted in Benin (Glazoué community) initiated by the Africa Rice Center.

2. The uploaded document is titled "Innovation System: Towards effective strategies in support of smallholder farmers. Success stories are shared there in and the offers tested methods for communities seeking active engagment in Agriculture

3. The relevant post capacity development support Youths in Africa need is employment and project financing skills.