Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Good day

My experience in irrigation development has made me realize that the major problem that we have is with respect to issues of attitudes of communities. In Zimbabwe you can realize that the knowledge of what needs to be done with respect to saving water is there but the willingness to do so is not there. This has been the situation with years of failure to implement the water management policies at the expense of trying to improve some sections of the economy or the community. This was also evident in Mozambique there is evidence of significant knowledge on water management which needs to be improved. Instead of using unlined canals it would be wide to use piped systems that reduces the losses due to seepage and evaporation. The down side to the establishment of such efficient systems is lack of funding which will.always be a problem leading to most of the developments using low efficience systems yet improved knowledge is available that could increase resilience against climate change.