I am engaged in research and development yet I was grown in cultivating my families land in rural side of the country in Ethiopia. I was always in search of technologies that can enhance the productivity of my families land as we were depend our livelihood on it; from food to income generation for sustainability.
Yet; the access of technological packages the fit to our existence of agro-ecological zone was almost negligent (closer to zero) because of different factors like distance to the main rural towns and others.
What motivated me to engage on agriculture was; because of the reason that I encountered while I was a farmer in my family’s plot of land.
My achievement engaging in the research and development me and colleagues has tried our bests to involve in the scaling up of different technologies to the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Afar and Oromia (Metehara district) like chicken birds and bread wheat in small scale irrigated areas. We were successful as it was a new intervention to the area few years ago.
Mr. Aklilu Nigussie