Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Hi all,

This looks one good idea to collect success stories of youth. I have been writing about youth especially on World Youth Skills day-15th july as also on World Youth Day -12th August. I have written a number of blogs for YPARD, GFAR, GFRAS &  AESA, wherein, youth success stories have been shared. Its my pleasure to share my latest blog went online@YPARD today. In this blog, I have shared a success story of a youth whom we trained on vermi-compost making and he has turned an entrepreneur now, selling branded vermimanure. He trains other youths now skilling them on making vemicompost. On  World Youth Skills day this year, we organized a small programme at his vermi-compost unit to train 25 boys from his village. Enjoy reading the blog on this experience.

Youth and social media: A leverage for agripreneurship…

Looking forward to hear intersting stories from across the world,

Thanks & regards,


Mahesh Chander, Head, Division of Extension Education,ICAR- Indian Veterianry Resarch  Institute, Izatnagar (UP) INDIA