Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Leanne Wiseman

Griffith University

Contribution received through the e-Agriculture platform


Potential entry points for Government to address the challenges and foster the development of digital agriculture:

-development of digital agricultural strategy to guide Government policy development in the field of agriculture to assist in the adoption and uptake of digital technologies;

- whether this is policy development that facilitates open data sharing or not:

-once Government strategy is decided; then policy development can assist access to information; and focus priorites around capacity building for digital and data literacy within agricultural industries.

To build trust, governments must ensure frameworks are in place to ensure agricultural technology industries are treating ag data safely, securely and respecting the privacy of the farmers.  To do this Governments can examine a variety of regulatory options: unfair terms legislation; data codes of conduct that encourage best practice in data collection management and sharing.


I believe the Digital Council itself need to Be Informed: members of the Digital Council should have training in a wide range of issues to ensure that the deliberation of the Digital Council are well informed. There are many complex issues arising with the adoption and uptake of digital technologies in agriculutre and for effective and ethical decision making, it is important that there is training provided and adopted by the Digital Council, around the legal social and ethical and technological implications of digital agriculture. This will assist in developing a common informed view that will assist the Digital Council perfrom its role effectively. 


Yes - but agree that the Digital Council should be engaged with industry and farmers - the DC could take on the role of providing a broad overarching capacity building - both at a high level SDG level as well as national level. Some examples of best practice would be helpful to provide guidance and resources, bringing together  policies and information resources.