Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Consultations, moderated by the FSN Forum with thematic facilitators, aim to capture the widest possible audience and provide a public platform for transparent and open sharing of ideas and information. They are launched to gather input for policy processes but can also be organized to collect feedback to help facilitators validate and support their technical work. Consultations usually take place over three to six weeks and are complemented with background materials that inform the exchange. For each consultation, a proceedings document containing all contributions received is made available on the Forum website. Forum members receive regular updates on the latest comments and feedback from the facilitator(s). The FSN Forum team then prepares an impartial, analytical summary of all contributions received. The results of the consultations generally feed into policy documents, such as CFS Voluntary Guidelines and global and regional policy frameworks related to the SDGs. 

ESA-RU project - Tajikistan

The way forward towards coherent policies for food security and nutrition in Tajikistan

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan identified one of the Country Framework Programme’s priority areas as “enhancing national food and nutritional security and safety”. In this open online consultation, we would like to give you a space to share your views on what is most needed to design and implement coherent policies that mutually reinforce each other.


Food Security and Nutrition: Building a global narrative towards 2030 - HLPE e-consultation on the Report’s scope

During its 45th Plenary Session the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) to produce a short report  entitled “Food Security and Nutrition: Building a global narrative towards 2030” to be presented by the first semester 2020. To implement this CFS request, the HLPE is launching an open e-consultation to seek views and comments on the following scope and building blocks of the report.

ESA-RU project

Strengthening the linkages between agriculture and social protection. Designing coherent approaches for improving food security and nutrition in vulnerable households

Evidence has shown that social protection programs can sustainably move people out of poverty only when integrated into broader livelihood promotion and rural development strategies.

To explore this nexus further and to learn from the diverse experiences in developing and applying social protection schemes that are coherent with agricultural policies, we would like to invite you to take part in this online consultation.

ESA-RU project - migration

Addressing the challenges and realizing the potential benefits of migration to improve nutrition and food security in the Europe and Central Asia region

External and internal migration flows can have a significant impact on poverty, food security, nutrition and the development of rural areas due to their demographic, economic and societal implications.

We invite you to share your views and experiences on how migration and the remittance flow it generates can influence food security, nutrition and rural development.

Sustainable Food Systems - Switzerland

Towards a common understanding of Sustainable Food Systems

The Sustainable Food Systems Programme (SFS Programme) of the UN One Planet network (10YFP) is currently developing a publication on key approaches, concepts and terms in relation to sustainable food systems. 

The goal of this consultation is to further open up the drafting phase to the entire SFS Programme network and beyond, to the widest possible set of stakeholders.


HLPE consultation on the V0 draft of the Report: Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition

During its 44th Plenary Session (9-13 October 2017), the CFS requested the HLPE to produce a report on “Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition”, to be presented at CFS 46th Plenary session in October 2019.

As part of the process of elaboration of its reports, the HLPE is organizing a consultation to seek inputs, suggestions, and comments on the present V0 draft (for more details on the different steps of the process, see the Appendix in the V0 draft). The results of this consultation will be used by the HLPE to further elaborate the report, which will then be submitted to external expert peer-reviewers, before finalization and approval by the HLPE Steering Committee.

Eggs: harnessing their power for the fight against hunger and malnutrition

Eggs: harnessing their power for the fight against hunger and malnutrition

In this discussion, organized jointly with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), we are looking at the role that eggs can play in effectively tackling malnutrition.

What are the best production mechanisms? How can egg consumption be encouraged in a sustainable way? How to balance the interests of better nutrition with concerns about smallholder livelihoods?

Africa - Youth Employment in Agriculture

Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa

As part of the preparations for the conference "Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa: Engaging through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Entrepreneurship", this online consultation is being held to collect broad views around the major thematic areas and provide an opportunity to youth engaged in agriculture and rural development across Africa to share experiences, successes stories, lessons learned, and good practices of youth led entrepreneurship and digital innovations in agriculture.


What story can Small Island Developing States (SIDS) tell on addressing the relationship between poverty and climate change?

The Small Island Developing States (SIDS)  share unique and particular vulnerabilities, resulting in a complex set of environmental, food security and nutrition challenges. Learning from SIDS on how they cope with climate change related impacts in these respects, could be instrumental to not only other Small States but also to the rest of the world. The results gathered here will feed into an ongoing work to support countries to address the interrelation between poverty and climate change in coastal areas, coastal communities and SIDS.