Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

My contribution concerning "3.3.2 Access to advisory and extension services":

"Gender mainstreaming in the public extension services system":

It is worthy to highlight that gender mainstreaming into the agricultural advisory extension services system is a crucial issue. The majority of female farmers in rural and conservative communities do not often receive extension services and training, and if they receive, they do receive extension only in specific field such as food processing. That brought about considerable information asymmetry\technical and marketing information gaps in agriculture. To mitigate it, in my opinion, the active participation of female farmers must be ensured, that would be considered through application of some methods and counter-measures, they can be decided based on predominant culture and social environment in the target area. Of which, for instance,: making sure that female farmers or their groups are selected, considering a tailor-made extension program, knowing women farmers specific performed tasks in agriculture, promoting small-scale farming techniques (a scale fits to female farmers farming), proposing convenient training time and duration, training venues (mixed or separated), introducing kids’ taking care tools during the training session, convenient means of transport (taking part in study tours), listening to their voices and suggestions, etc.

When access to information is guaranteed, women farmers would be able to engage in a more feasible manner in agriculture and marketing, and their crops productivity and income would be improved significantly. Generally, we can say that we shouldn’t underrated the powerful of information and extension in the women economic and social empowerment and inclusion field.



Farm Management and Extension Expert

State of Palestine- Ramallah