Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Just a plea for more support for the Poshan, IFPRI and Bill Gates supported approach for increasing the domestic ability to carry out data collection/surveys.

One of the unintended effects of the huge amount of international assistance for agriculture/rural development has been to promote employment in asset creation. Jobs in data collection/evaluation and training have consequently become "cinderellas" or even punishment postings. Even in situations where funds are allocated for such purposes these are often later diverted to civil works.

Reading the draft, one has the uneasy feeling that the hope is that much can be achieved through new digital and remote technologies so that it may be possible to leap-frog the tiresome bit of having staff on the ground, supplemented by the odd mission flown in or in extreme cases helicopter surveys.

What is required is a continuing, constant, indigenous capacity to collect good quality data and this is a very important goal that should get priority financial support.