Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Inherent barriers exist in food systems that prevent people from overcoming persistent and intergenerational malnutrition. To overcome these barriers and ensure that no one is left behind, we need systematic analysis of food system dynamics, including how they interact and perpetuate the various causes of malnutrition.

Inputs for consideration:

- The interdependence of equality and good nutrition should be central to the analysis. Inequalities impact and are impacted by the nutritional status of an individual.

- Disaggregated data, including at household level, is fundamental to assess levels of inequalities in countries. The report should be clear about the need for better data.

- When looking at the structural barriers for historically disadvantaged and poor populations, also consider the health related dimensions (e.g. disability) and the intergenerational nature of some of these drivers.

- The report should advocate for a human rights-based approach to programming that requires solutions to be developed in a participatory and inclusive way, with good governance and accountability at its centre.

- Shorter supply chains and more diverse and nourishing food supply could represent a first step towards more just, sustainable and resilient systems that support the realisation of the universal right to food.

Recent references that should be considered in the report:

UNSCN News 43: Advancing equity, equality and non-discrimination in food systems: Pathways to reform

Global Nutrition Report 2020

Equity and the right to food: A systemic approach to tackling malnutrition