Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Shashi Bhooshan Sharma

Harry Butler Institute, Murdoch University; World BioProtection Research Foundation

Let me take this opportunity to thank you for sharing information on an important project - Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation. The proposal is well researched and comprehensive. The project team must be congratulated for this excellent work. Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback. The project aims to address the challenges of food insecurity and malnutrition in urban and peri-urban areas resulting from urbanization, rural transformation, and policy neglect. However, it could benefit from additional information on specific interventions, policies, and best practices that have been successful in strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems. Additionally, it would be helpful to discuss the challenges of implementing such interventions and policies in different contexts and the need for a tailored approach to suit different urban and peri-urban areas. There appear to be some potential gaps that could be addressed. Here are a few examples:

1. While the proposal discusses the importance of addressing food security and nutrition in urban and peri-urban areas, it does not provide clear goals or objectives for the project.

2. There is limited discussion of policy solutions to the some of the challenges faced by urban and peri-urban food systems. It does not include a comprehensive discussion of potential policy solutions to these challenges.

3. The consideration given to concerns relating to equity and social justice appears to be inadequate. A detailed analysis of how these inequalities are produced or perpetuated by food systems may be helpful in developing plans for addressing these inequalities.

4. While the proposal notes the lack of city-level data and empirical evidence to inform decision-making on urban and peri-urban food policy, it does not provide a plan for how to address this data gap in the proposed project. Without data and evidence, it may be difficult to make informed decisions and ensure that the project is effectively addressing the identified issues.

5. Inclusion of policy and preparedness provision for ensuring biosecurity of the urban and peri-urban food systems.

6. Emphasis on food education such as implementation of concepts like Shokuiku.

In addition to the above, the project may benefit from further consideration of the following to strengthen urban and peri-urban food systems:

  • Technology and innovation: The use of modern technology and innovation can help to increase food production and efficiency in urban and peri-urban areas. This can include initiatives such as hydroponics, precision agriculture, and vertical farming.
  • Food policy: Developing policies that promote healthy and sustainable food systems can have a significant impact on food security and nutrition. This can include measures such as promoting locally sourced food, reducing food waste, and supporting small-scale farmers.
  • Food education: Educating urban residents about healthy eating and food preparation can help to promote better eating habits and reduce the incidence of malnutrition. This can include initiatives such as cooking classes, nutrition education programs, and community gardens.
  • Food waste reduction: Food waste is a major problem in urban areas and reducing it can free up resources and increase food availability. This can be achieved through composting, food banks, and other initiatives that encourage the redistribution of surplus food.
  • Urban farming and gardening: Encouraging the cultivation of crops and rearing of livestock within cities and peri-urban areas can provide a source of fresh and nutritious food for residents. It can also create employment opportunities and promote community participation.
  • Urban food markets: Establishing food markets in urban areas can help to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas by facilitating the exchange of goods and information. It can also promote healthy eating by providing access to fresh and nutritious food.
  • Small-scale food producers: Small-scale farmers and food producers should be supported with access to land, financing, technology, training, and other resources to increase their productivity and profitability.
  • Food policies that prioritize equity: Food policies should prioritize equity and social justice, with a focus on promoting local food systems, supporting small-scale farmers, and ensuring that food is accessible and affordable for all.
  • Food infrastructure: Food infrastructure such as storage facilities, processing plants, and markets should be built to support local food systems and increase access to fresh and nutritious food.
  • Food distribution networks: Food distribution networks should be developed to ensure that fresh and nutritious food is accessible and affordable for all residents, regardless of their income level or location.
  • Food literacy: Increasing food literacy among urban residents can help to promote healthy eating habits and reduce food waste.
  • Food justice and anti-hunger initiatives: Food justice and anti-hunger initiatives should be supported to ensure that all residents have access to adequate and nutritious food.