Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

With due respect to all, I would like to share my thoughts with you. Like all others, I also think that language and technology can bridge all human of all sectors without discrimination including food and agricultural sector. In this context, I would like to remember with pleasure that Bangladesh along with all other countries celebrate international mother language day on 21st February. On the eve of the day, like others I also respect Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Martyrs of Bangla Bhasha Andholon in 21st February 1952, Heroic Freedom Fighters of 1971, Activists of recognition of 21st February as International Mother Language Day, and many others who are passionately working human intangible asset 'Languages'. 'The Bangla alphabet or Bengali alphabet (Bengali: বাংলা বর্ণমালা, Bangla bôrṇômala) is the alphabet used to write the Bengali language based on the Bengali-Assamese script, and has historically been used to write Sanskrit within Bengal. It is one of the most widely adopted writing systems in the world (used by over 265 million people)' (Ref: Like all others, I also wish for the increase of more languages as UN Official Languages including Bangla.

Every year new words are added into human culture due to Neologism (Ref: Many new words are not phonetically compatible with many scripts. Sharing suitable alphabets using IPA among scripts of various human languages could be a solution for this problem. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) and Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) could be incorporated for digitizing this concept easily.

Chandrabindu is an excellent example of a diacritic sign shared  by many languages from the historical past (ref: All the same, I think many scripts could benefit from sharing letters of other scripts.  For example, the alphabet ' প '/ 'P',  'ঢ', ' ভ '/'V' etc are absent in Arabic, 'র' / 'R' is absent in Burmese, 'য়' absent in Hindi, ' ع' ‘ح” absent in English, Bangla etc. I think using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) for finding a suitable alphabet, if anyone wishes to add a new familiar conventional alphabet with their own script for perfect pronunciation, can do it easily. I think adding new complementary alphabets will not change original scripts/culture but enrich scripts of various Languages for global competitiveness.

For writing right transliteration, correcting already written wrong transliteration, and learning more new languages in an easy and perfectly and culturally acceptable solution is needed. So, I therefore here mention a solution which I have given the name as ‘YLIT’ (Worldwide Integrated Linguistic Information Technology). I wish YLIT will be a peaceful co-existing solution with dignity to the multilingual people of the world.

I have developed a multi-scripts multi-line text which could be considered as 'Worldwide Integrated Linguistic Information Technology (YLIT)' for beginners. For example, here on attached image the top line is Bangla words (Writing direction left to right), then Bangla IPA, then Bangla Phonetic Romanization, then Bangla Phonetic Romanization in mixed script, then English Translation, Then Arabic Translation (Writing direction right to left). In the corner, another word 'Shohagh' and under it written in self-defined script.  If necessary, mirror writing could be used with normal script.

I think today's information technology is rich enough to bring all humans in a folder with peaceful co-existence and provide scope to learn multiple languages in an easy way using multiple learning media. Simply, it's an innovative scientific way of Journey Inside Mass in different eyes. This YLIT also could be usable for enriching Information Security. That could be said as YLITIS (YLIT Information Security). Now-a-days no one is out of ICT risk. In the time of various global crises including the food crisis, ICT risk is more sensitive. In this context, multi factors authentication, user defined Cryptographic captcha using alphanumeric characters of Multiple Scripts of Multiple Languages, circuit level security, NS2 for various disaster management including fire, security sensors integration, proper law and policy etc could be used to enhance cyber security especially in the agricultural sector. Due to various global crises on one hand and on another hand various new innovations, market places etc in different parts of the world and its e-supply chain management, I think FYLIT (Farmers Worldwide Integrated Linguistic Information Technology) could be an important tool for better sharing various matters among farmers around the world. In this system farmers are able to learn directly by sharing proper alphabets of one another scripts for faster learning. I think enriching linguistic and agricultural skills of natives, and expatriates will ultimately benefit not only their own country but also the agricultural and greening sector of many other countries too. I think if there were a relevant database about this contribution, then it would be better. Waiver and subsidies-based farmers debit card's name on card, name on mobile apps or any other financial documents could be easily converted to local language in perfect pronunciation by YLIT for famers satisfaction.

All the same in heterogeneous environments of LEARN (Learning, Earning, Alerting, and Rescuing Nexus), perfect pronunciations are necessary for every alphabet to sentence specially for machine-based voice to text conversion or for learning using smart whiteboard. Like Chandrabindhu has been mainstreamed and naturally legalized/standardized, I think learning perfect pronunciations of all humans using script sharing of each other- might need global to local legal support.

I wish all the success of 27 march- International day of Multilingualism, and 30th September - International Translation Day (transliteration is the beginning of learning Translation). I think that schools to universities can play a significant role overall in this context, and I sincerely hope that the schools to universities will do so. I think YLIT could be used for more reaching to all and peaceful bonding among all the human specially in Food and Agricultural sectors. I think FAO and Civil Society organizations could engage better by YLIT.