Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Here are some potential ways FAO can better support countries in addressing governance of agrifood systems transformation:

1. Enhance stakeholder engagement and inclusivity:

  • Facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogues and platforms where diverse actors (farmers, private sector, civil society, policymakers) can voice their needs and collaboratively develop solutions.
  • Support capacity building of marginalized groups (women, youth, indigenous communities) to strengthen their participation in decision-making processes.
  • Promote transparency and accountability mechanisms in governance structures.

2. Offer tailored guidance and tools:

  • Develop context-specific toolkits and guidelines on effective governance arrangements for various agrifood system challenges (e.g., sustainable production, climate change adaptation, food security).
  • Conduct needs assessments and provide technical assistance to countries in designing and implementing their own agrifood system transformation plans.
  • Support knowledge exchange and learning platforms where countries can share best practices and challenges related to governance.

3. Strengthen legal and policy frameworks:

  • Assist countries in reviewing and revising existing policies and laws to align with sustainable and inclusive agrifood system goals.
  • Support the development of new legislation and regulations that address emerging challenges (e.g., digitalization, access to land and water).
  • Advocate for international policies that promote equitable and sustainable food systems globally.

4. Invest in data and evidence-based decision-making:

  • Support countries in collecting and analyzing data on various aspects of their agrifood systems (e.g., production, consumption, trade, nutrition).
  • Build capacity for data analysis and interpretation to inform effective policy and investment decisions.
  • Develop monitoring and evaluation frameworks to track progress towards national and international food system goals.

5. Leverage financial resources and partnerships:

  • Mobilize financial resources from diverse sources (public, private, philanthropic) to support governance-related initiatives in agrifood systems transformation.
  • Foster partnerships with other international organizations, research institutions, and NGOs to leverage expertise and resources.
  • Advocate for increased investments in international cooperation and development assistance to support developing countries in achieving sustainable food systems.