Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

In my opinion, 'from Foresight to Field: Exploring Regional and Multistakeholder Perspectives to Implement a Foresight on Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Agrifood Systems" underscores the crucial transition from predictive insights to practical applications in the agricultural sector. By integrating diverse regional and multistakeholder viewpoints, this approach ensures that the foresight process is inclusive, understandable, context-sensitive, and adaptable to local needs.

Emerging technologies and innovations promise to revolutionize agrifood systems, enhancing productivity, sustainability, and resilience. However, successful implementation requires collaborative efforts among policymakers, farmers, researchers, and industry leaders.

Moreover, by fostering a participatory framework, stakeholders can collectively navigate challenges, leverage opportunities, and drive the effective adoption of innovative solutions tailored to specific regional contexts. The dynamic interplay between foresight and field application accelerates technological integration and aligns it with diverse agrifood systems' socio-economic and environmental goals worldwide.