Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Daniel Adotu


Fish is very healthy to eat and has no health side effects like other meats. Even poor communities can obtain quality proetins from eating fish especially silver fish in our country. Wherefore, this enahnces their nutirtion and food security. To the communities which are directly involved in catching; this provides them a means of a livelihood thus they can eat well, access food at any time they need since they have disposable income on themselves.

Since wild fish has been depleted in the wild , there is need to find a better way of supporting the livelihoods of the communities which were  earning a living fron fishing fish from the lakes and oceans. And there is need to educate them on sustainable fishing methods so that they become custodians of the fish in the waters wherever they  are doing the fishing activity;.