Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Lisa Kitinoja

The Postharvest Education Foundation
United States of America

Greetings of the season and thank you for the invitation to submit input on this topic.

I see a wide gap between sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2  -- I would add Prevention of food losses via improved postharvest handling practices as 3.4.2 and add 3.4.3 for the food safety topic

3.4 Reduction of food losses through capacity building, education, training and extension services 

3.4.1 Prevention of food losses by good practices in crop and animal production 

3.4.2 Prevention of food losses by Food Safety control procedures 

A recently completed USAID funded project in Tanzania provides a comprehensive approach to reducing food losses for small farmers, traders and marketers--  it is called a Postharvest Training and Services Center (PTSC). While the planned Wageningen project is promising, it does not yet exist, while this one is in operation in Arusha, Tanzania under AVRDC auspices. 

PTSC launch article

Where Food Comes From website

CRSPS.Net Presentation

Harvesting Nutrition website

Promoting best postharvest practices

Here are a few current references that include additional cost/benefit information and practical field based information.

Kitinoja, L. (2013) Innovative Small-scale Postharvest Technologies for Reducing Losses in Horticultural Crops

Ethiop .J. Appl. Sci. Technol. (Special Issue No.1): 9- 15

Kitinoja, L. (2010) Identification of Appropriate Postharvest Technologies for Improving Market Access and Incomes for Small Horticultural Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.  WFLO Grant Final Report to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, March 2010. 318 pp. (slide deck) (full report)

Saran, S., Roy, S. K. and Kitinoja, L. (2012). Appropriate Postharvest Technologies for Improving Market Access and Incomes for Small Horticultural Farmers in Sub- Saharan Africa and South Asia. Part 2: Field Trial Results and Identification of Research Needs for Selected Crops.  Acta Hort (IHC 2010) 934: 41-52.

Winrock International, Empowering agriculture, energy options for horticulture. US Agency for International Development 79 pp. (2009).

Attached are two white papers from The Postharvest Education Foundation (one on the use of plastic crates for reducing food losses, one on data collection/loss assessment) and an unpublished preliminary Hort CRSP project report with more information on the PTSC concept and its current status.


Dr. Lisa Kitinoja

The Postharvest Education Foundation

PO Box 38, La Pine, Oregon 97739 USA

Website homepage:

Mobile phone: (916) 708-7218