Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Kate Bayliss

SOAS University of London
United Kingdom

I would like to make the following comments on the V0 draft report on Water and Food Security. 

First I would like to congratulate the authors on framing this potentially huge subject in a coherent and comprehensive structure. 

Second, my concern is that more attention is needed to the increasing role played by global private capital in shaping local water delivery systems. For example, the financial sector is increasingly involved in water delivery as water has become an asset class for financial investors. See for example Emerging Capital Partners . Private equity firms also have stakes in English water companies.  These developments lead to much more complex governance structures as water delivery becomes part of a global investment portfolio. And these issues are likely to become more important as the pressing need for investment finance is putting further emphasis on privatisation and private sector finance (see for example

Finally I think if the report is to propose water trading (p.81) the potential drawbacks need to be articulated. An alternative may be water sharing and I think there is some precedent for this in Asia. 

I hope this is useful. I would be happy to discuss further if required. 

Best wishes

Kate Bayliss


Dr Kate Bayliss

School of Oriental and African Studies,

University of London,

Thornhaugh Street,

Russell Square,

London WC1H OXG.