Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

First of all, I would like to thank the organizers for availing this online opportunity for interested scientists/experts so that they can forward their views and comments aimed at addressing issues of food security and nutrition (FSN) on the ground that global causes such as FSN requires global cooperation.

With my remark above, this time I would like to address the first question of this discussion forum entitled “Do you think that this framework addresses the key issues of FSN?”

I appreciate how the definition of FSN evolved in the last 50 years and its dimensions have been expanded. I agree that the previous four dimensions of FSN and the newly added two dimensions of FSN will greatly help to address key issues of FSN and achieve sustainable food system. However, in my view, the current six dimensions of FSN are not sufficient to address key issues of FSN and achieve the required impacts and results in global food system. This is because in my thinking one more important dimension which is “Responsibility” is missed out as key dimension/pillar of FSN. We know that the central point of FSN is the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food and the current six pillars of FSN are designed to ensure this universal right for food. However, if each and every individual has the right for food, he/she should also be responsible for protecting, developing, nurturing etc. of his/her right. Each and every individual with this fundamental universal right should also be responsible so that he/she will not to abuse it. Otherwise, the right to adequate food without accompanying responsibility can’t be fully achieved. Even if achieved it can’t be sustained for long.

At this juncture, I would like to bring to your attention that most of the challenges described under section 3 of V0 draft report are the results of lack of responsibilities/insufficient responsibilities of actors of diverse types. Thus, unless “Responsibility” is included as 7th dimension/pillar of FSN, most of the challenges listed under this section will be difficult to be solved or addressed. Therefore I strongly recommend “Responsibility” to be included as key dimension of FSN.