Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Dear All,

It is such an opportunity, that I (we) can contribute to the change we desire in our societies as far as poverty and malnutrition are concerned; and this time through focusing on Social Protection.

Firstly, on my side, the ideal benefits of Social Protection measures are always outstanding and execellent on paper. It is the execution of some of these programs that is usually not appropriate. The developing world for so long has and is still (to a large extent) dependant on the developed world as regards social protection interventions. Some countries however have had it upon themselves to

The point here is CORRUPTION in some developing yet most vulnerable countries! It is viral and rapidly eating up all intervention systems today.

You will agree with me that the beneficiaries often times are not involved in the planning as well as monitoring and evaluting hence low sense of ownership as they do not have a say when resources are being swindled away in favour of the non beneficiaries for selfish purposes. Unfortunately, reports have always indicated achievements/success, challenges and recommendations not paying heed to the issues at the roots that hinder hitting targets; chronic inhibitors such as the scam of corruption.

It is therefore my humble request that the policy makers strongly consider the issue of corruption and misuse of resources in the process of desiging, formulating and implementing social protection programs.

Secondly, it is important to acknowledge the Nutrition forcused social protection interventions all around the globe. It is however key that there is a need to strongly consider the sustainability of these programs without compromising the well being of the beneficiaries.

The FAO's Protection to Production project in countries such as Kenya has taken a step to assess not only the quantitative results (food secutrity key indicators inclusive) but also the qualitative results that grantee sustainability of the interventions with continous and generation benefits. See:  Individual countries, even with their own local intervention strategies should aim at the long term outcomes. Failure to do this easily nutures a poor culture of dependency in societies were social protection measures are percieved as handouts even in times of no emergencies.

Thanks to Nyasha Tirivayi and the ICN2 Secretariat for the opportunity. I look forward to further discussion.


Christine Namukasa

Nutritionist and Head of Research at Hunger Fighters Uganda