Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Valeria Furmanova

Department of agricultural development

[original received in Russian on the FSN Forum in Europe and Central Asia]

It may definitely be noted that trade agreements and rules have affected the four dimensions of food security: availability, access, utilization, and stability.

Let me make an actual example. Ukraine has been successfully developing the European poultry meat market. So far, within the quota, annual exports have increased by 25 percent. Ukrainian poultry meat producers are planning to increase exports. On their part it requires investments in quality system development in accordance with agreements. In return it affects the final retail price of poultry meat for consumers in Ukraine. Over a period of 6 months the price of poultry meat has increased by 40 percent at the domestic retail market.  

Poultry meat has always been an affordable food for people in Ukraine. Precisely due to its affordable price it accounted for 48.8 percent within the meat consumption pattern in 2013.  Currently there is a decrease in consumer demand for meat in general, and for poultry meat in particular. Nowadays the population of Ukraine prefers cheaper varieties of fish and offal.

Therefore, there is every reason to state the decrease in two dimensions: AVAILABILITY and STABILITY.