Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Dear Colleagues,

Further to my earlier contributions, I attach two more papers which expand on the topics of:

Production systems for sustainable intensification relevant for the first half of section 4,

A. Kassam, T. Friedrich, F. Shaxson, T. Reeves, J. Pretty and Moraes Sa. (2011). Production Systems for Sustainable Intensification: Integrating Productivity with Ecosystem Services. Technikfolgenabschatzung – Theorie and Praxis 20. Jg. Heft 2: 38-45. Juli.


Policy and institutional support for adoption and uptake of Conservation Agriculture relevant for section 5.

A. Kassam, T. Friedrich, F. Shaxson, H. Bartz, I. Mello, J. Kienzle and J. Pretty (2014). The Spread of Conservation Agriculture: Policy and institutional support for adoption and uptake. Field Science Research Reports, Vol 7. (

I also include herebelow a link for the FAO publication on soil health.

FAO (2008). Investing in sustainable crop intensification: The case for improving soil health. Integrated Crop Management Vol. 6. FAO, Rome.



Amir Kassam