Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Thank you for opening up participation for input: (suggestions are in italic)


1.0  - Goal 2 "without maintenance of soil function":  without "rehabilitation"  and maintenance.....

                     " ensure stable or increasing production"   ensure "healthy",  stable ....

1.3-  Objectives: I strongly suggest that there should be a clause that identifies " disseminates information to small family farms "  either in stakeholder clause  as well as a separate clause that identifies, "climate change mitigation (Goal 15) that has disrupted food security"

2.1  Definition: Principle 3, include  "eradication of soil/food pollutants and contaminants such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides "  

Table 1.1:  Soil Formation: please insert the word "compost " and accumulation of organic and "biodegradable"

                 and "uncontaminated" organic matter.   

               Aesthetic and use the word "conservation" instead of preservation and insert cultural"heritage" landscape

                Refugia : Providing and "restoring" habitat

2.2  2)  please insert "compost" also

        page 7 :   the soil is " maintained fully as agricultural land  "

        page 8 :   Flow of nutrients within should include a highlighting of Goal 15,  

Biodiversity should be present in soil as this is what creates the complexity of natural microbial + nutritional additives, humus, aeration and tilth to make the flow of nutrients within the soil

Also : I believe that beginning of this statement is incorrect ; Our understanding of the relationships between biodiversity and specific soil functions is limited but the availability of a variety of new tools suggests that significant progress in this area may be imminent.  Given the significant public concerns about the possible linkage between pesticide use and biodiversity, a focus in this area is to draw attention of users to existing international codes for pesticide use.     

Please perform due diligence before remitting that statement

Page 10: Poor management : Misuse and allocation for other purposes : Competing uses such as building for tourism on prime agricultural lands.

(I will refrain from editorializing too much, but Bali now experiences a major water crisis due to this. All of this was projected and scientifically studies by academics, but it was "development at all costs".  Human rights have been violated: more that 65% of the indigenous people no longer have access to water.)

Page 11:  The area of current agricultural soils is maintained:

Zoning laws ,planning tools, build outs must be utilized, adhered to and legally followed.  Sprawl is continually fragmenting and degrading prime agricultural land and soil  Land trusts should be adopted; cooperation between public + private .

3.1  if better suited use the above suggestion: Governments and policy makers.....

3.4  Riparian buffers; and mangrove forests

3.8 : Guidelines for....   as well as Appendix  Pg 22 +table 23 : Should Identify "Contamination"  as chemicals. 

And why is there no mention of the potential GMO seeds and plants for contamination?

Because "contamination" can also be defined at areas taken over by invasive plants, Direct and Indirect Effects of Invasive Plants on Soil Chemistry and Ecosystem Function Jeffrey D. Weidenhamer & Ragan M. Callaway

4.0  higher rates of efficiency in the use of key inputs, including water, nutrients, pesticides, energy, land and labour: 

I strongly disagree with the inclusion of  portion of  2011 blueprint.  By including pesticides you are undermining the entire new voluntary recommendations (I have been an organic gardener/farmer for over 40 years) Look at your own 2013 report! ("Wake up before it's too late" UNCTAD)

Thank you for this invitation.

I am saddened and disappointed for the human species that all of these guidelines are "voluntary". Between water wars and food insecurity we'll all be at each other's throats within 25-50 years. I do not believe that technology will get us out of this one. Too many people.  Population: the basic root of all our problems. And of course, there is the binary aspect of humans/corporations: greed.


Phiphi (Phyllis) Kaplan