Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Deborah Fulton

Facilitator of the discussion

Thank you to everyone who has provided comments and submitted ideas so far under the umbrella topic of urbanization and rural transformation. The inputs which zero in on the food security and nutrition specific aspects of urbanization and rural transformation are particularly useful in helping consider how the Committee might add value to existing initiatives and facilitate policy convergence on this topic.

Thanks to those of you who have indicated specific studies or resources to draw from - that will assist us with elaborating the subsequent draft. I would like to encourage those who haven’t had the chance to comment yet to continue in this vein in highlighting key issues which may not have been addressed in the Zero draft and also directing us to useful studies or sources of data addressing the changing rural-urban dynamics.

In addition, we’d also love to hear more about what types of approaches have worked well, including those outlined in the Zero draft, but also any others and how you think these might be scaled-up across all regions and contexts to address challenges in achieving food security and nutrition for all.

Thank you again for taking the time to engage in the online discussion and in providing us your comments and input on the current Zero draft. We look forward to receiving further input.


Deborah Fulton