Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Sorsa Debela

Agribusiness Development Consultant at FFARM PLC

Comment received through Linkedin

Dear Sir/Madam,

The issue of youth is very critical especially for developing countries where population growth is in geometric progression while means of livelihood are dwindling. Recently, I have been undertaking youth labor market assessment in some rural areas of my country. I realized immense challenges of youth. Shortage of land, lack of access to modern inputs and advice, considering agriculture as backward and non-paying sector, lack of trade-able skills, etc., are just few of the challenges. When it comes to young girls, the situation is worse. Therefore, unless all the policy makers, development practitioners, donor agencies, etc., are all moving together to mitigate the situation, it is really worrisome.