Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Manuel Moya

International Pediatric Association. TAG on Nutrition

The approach from childhood of this important food type is based in the high number of under –fives all over the world especially in low- meddle-income countries (1) and because the long lasting consequences (growth and cognitive) that undernutrition can have at these ages (2, 3).

In LMIC after the first year of life gruel/ congee is widely and almost exclusively used. These normally coming from flours from cereals which are poor in essential amino acids such as lysine and to a lesser extent tryptophan and phenylalanine. If we take into account that cooked chickpeas (protein 8.4 g/100 g) and lentils (protein 8.8 g/100 g) contain lysine respectively 485 mg/ 100 g and 613 mg/ 100 g, the combination of pulses with local and culturally rooted gruels could improve the protein quality consumed. Other pulses should not be neglected, particularly if they are local crops, but they should only be recommended if protein and essential amino acids content is acceptable. This protein improvement cannot be taken as definitive, other nutrient needs at these ages such as fat, Ca, P, Na, K, Fe and niacin should also be planned.

As regards the fourth question ‘How could we increase their use?’ The response is planning and education. Governments should locally incentivate the crops of pulses due to their resilience in the strict rain fed lands and the elusive import of these products. Their availability in the local shops should be promoted.   Education has two main targets: famers and parents, for growing them and for using at home in a rotating way.

HIC also require a redesign action to increase the consumption of pulses due to the fact that processed food and refined carbohydrates are taking over the traditional plant food.           

Manuel Moya


  1. Unicef, WHO, World Bank Group. Levels and trends in child malnutrition. 2015 edition.
  2. Boyd A, GoldingJ, Mcleod J ent al. Cohot profile: the children of the 90s’- the index offspring of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. Int J Epidemiol 2013; 2: 111-27.
  3. Galler J, Bryce C, Waber DP et al. Socioeconomic Outcomes in Adult Malnourished in the First Year of Life: A 40-Year study. Pediatrics 201; 130:e1-e7